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Global Action

Global action in solidarity with Iranian women & girls who are courageously demonstrating peacefully for their fundamental human rights.


Lock of Hair

We ask that you cut and send a small piece of your hair to President Joe Biden with a letter asking for the people of Iran to be supported by this administration, and for the government of Iran to be held accountable for any loss of life as citizens protest for their basic rights.

lock of hair campaign (1).png

Amnesty Iran Report

Amnesty Internationals Annual Report on Human Rights in Iran. 

Man in Suit Signing

Contact Representatives

FInd your local, state and national representatives and contact them via phone, email and mail.

Planet Made of Plastic

Global Awareness Days

Visit this page for up-to-date info on Global Awareness Days planned and organized throughout the globe.

On, people everywhere are starting campaigns, mobilizing supporters, and working with decision makers to drive solutions.


Amnesty International USA is a Nobel-Prize winning organization.

We accept no government money for our campaigns and research.

© 2018 توسط بنیاد MEHR

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12951 Huebner Road # 780573

سان آنتونیو ، TX 78230

بنیاد MEHR یک سازمان غیرانتفاعی ، غیرمذهبی و غیر سیاسی است ، که توسط انجمن فرهنگی پارسی سن آنتونیو و هیئت مدیره آن اداره می شود.
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